all things Data Science

mostly Python, Dash by Plotly, Machine Learning, some Maths and the DS adventure

About Us

Armed with mathematical and data science background, full-stack Python software development and financial services experience, you are assured that ideas are transformed to production-deployed business solutions and complex business challenges are solved with data-driven solutions.

We are passionate about Mathematics and Optimization, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Visual Analytics and Python Development. We cover these topics in our interactive blog to unselfishly share our learnings. Yup, because sharing is caring and we hope we can help make the world a smarter place, by doing what we love to do.

Visit our interactive blog.

Our Covid19 Apps

With the Delta variant of Covid19, New South Wales is faced with its biggest challenge since the pandemic began. The number of case location exposures are growing by the day, and the sites just might be closer to where you are. This app can help you check.


News of Covid19 patients in the Philippines who needed to "hospital hop" just to get accommodated prompted us to answer the simple question "Where are the available covid beds?" with a simple data visualization that made it to Philippine media.

Featured Posts
tree map

CorpSec Viz

bar plot
Sports Analytics

SEA Games Visualization

network graph

Ant Colony System Pheromone Graph

scatter plot
Machine Learning

K-Means Clustering

Get in touch!

Got an analytics project in mind? Need a quick maths consult? We're only one click away.

DataScience.Group 2021.